A picture of me feeling GOOD, and in my spirit!! This is at a coocking job, back in summer 2007!
I most be the hotest chef, you've ever seen!
Isn't it strange how a day can change like that? *snapping my fingers*
I got up today, feeling really bad, and what not. But, I am now listening to amazing music by Ted Gardestad, "When the show is over", amazing tune. On my way out to get grocerys. Making myself a Poutine tonight! and tomorrow I am catching a bus to Fredrikstad! And I am staying for MORE than 12 hours. Going back monday morning or sunday night! yes!
I am going to sign permanent papers at work monday, and I will be working everyday, mostly morning shifts, so we have to start monday with the opening training. So my boss called me earlier today, to tell me this, and say I would have the weekend off!
I am so excited! BBQ in Fredrikstad on saturday, and then full training on monday! Yah!
Sounds funny :D Du får komme deg i kirka på søndag ;P haha!
Ja, gjør det a:)
Jeg trenger en liten kirkekompis.
Sv: Hehe, jeg husker dere, haha xDD JAMONA!!!!!!! men trudde maria mouland hadde et eller annet med det å gjøre og..? ellers var det bare det at hun fikk enorm latterkrampe hver gang dere kom md den :P whatever? moro var det!
Kos deg i fylla da Iselin:)
Elsker bildet:)
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