Yes, THAT'S right! I have the KEY!
Well, the boiler room story started back in 2007. All by an accident.
I had been asked to be practical leader at a camp for confermed kids. I didn't think of this as somthing to be a hard task. I had done it before, and would do it again. The only problem was that I was living in Florida, and the camp was in Norway... mmmh... "No, problem, I am moving to Norway anyway, and I will land the day before the camp starts!"
It turned out good, and I actualy manage to plan the whole camp via internet, msn, and Facebook (can you believe it?) The day before, also the day of the big landing, I decited to spend the night at Miss Snax, because she is living in Oslo, and we would decent from Oslo.
I hadn't seen Miss Snax in like 2 months, so we had an great time! The next morning, I was awakend by my cell phone. Some girl was calling, and I asked for her name. She said she was stranded at the airport, and it was 6 in the morning, and she had no money, and was going to the camp. I had to go get her! I checked my camper list, but she was not there! I checked the other camp lists, and she was THERE! I was like what da???!
Some of the nice things you may find @ the Boiler room!
Turned out, there where 3 girls at the airport, and there parents had just sendt them off, and given them MY cell phone number. Bastards! There I am, jet lagged, stressed out, having heat flashes, six in the morning, and NO CAR!
Turned out, there where 3 girls at the airport, and there parents had just sendt them off, and given them MY cell phone number. Bastards! There I am, jet lagged, stressed out, having heat flashes, six in the morning, and NO CAR!
So, I call my right hand assistant, and explaine to him I have to go, and he will come out to the airport later. We where to pick up 'bout 5 kids around 1. That meaning, I had to be sitting at the airport for like 5 hours or so. I get there, and it turns out I have to pay there food, drinks, AND the train tix to Oslo... Man... (Did I get the money back? Not yet....)
So, not up to a great start, we're finaly ready to head out to our camp. My headache really bad by now, and my jet lag running wild. And on top of it all: TOOTH ACHE! Yes! Week whent as it always does, and I was getting grumpy and mad. By mid week, 2 friends of mine came out, to hold an seminar on Sex... Yes, sex! LOL (Lets call the guys Mr. P and Mr A).
Mr A was holding the comferance, and Mr P. was his driver. During the seminar I hear some funny noises from the basement. I decide to go down and check, after all I am the practical leader. But, I don't know HOW to work a boiler room, and the guy who owns the place won't pick up his phone! So I inform my sister, the big cheef, and she says that Mr P. is very practical with everything, he will help. So Mr P. comes with us downstairs. As we are walking down to the basement he says "Oh! I have dreamt about this! Going to the boiler room woth two pretty sisters while Mr A is haveing an seminar on Sex upstairs!" We all burst ou laughting! Suddenly the boiler room was just THE place to hide, when we had enough of crazy campers, and what not! We spendt alot of time there after hours that week, taking crazy photos! Hahaha!
"Bjoerg" enjoying an late evning @ Boiler!
Then, in winter of 2008, when it hit 50 below, and we could not smoke inside, and it was to far to the office... What to do? Well, outside in the smoking pit, theres a nice door... Down to a BOILER ROOM! This one a classic boiler room. With open flames and all! My belowed cousin said we outh to sit there and smoke. Its very warm, and it's this old broaken freezer, we could have drinks in there on ice, and BOW BOW, A party! Hahha. So I had to tell her about the boiler room back in Norway, and she goes "If we are NOT, related, some adoption agency did a very good job!" LOL
Unfortuonatly, I don't have pix from the Canadian boiler room. And I do miss it so much now... I can see us sitting there... A CD player, with some good country, and the picknik plaided rag on the freezer... Smoke filling the room... Ah, those WHERE the days! Dang!
So enjoy the photos from the Norwegian Boiler room, located at Jessheim, Norway!
Until later, be good to eachother! Keep ya posted!
The Lake
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