I wish I had a better picture of me when I was 14, but my lap top don't really have that old photos. Yes, I am old! And latley I have wondered what happend to this person in this photo!
Michigan 2.0? Enjoying a sunrise breakfast (after beeing awake for 35 hours) at Perkins in Orlando, just minutes before morning shift at work new years day 2007...
I mean... I swam for gold in 1994, in 1997 I could read, and write HTML 4.0 (have no idea about HTML today, but I still know the 4.0) like it was a reagular language. I was the only on one my class who had internet and en e-mail account, and I have had a cell phone since 1995.
I was a freak, dressed like one, behaved like one, and got detention like everyday in school.
Computers was the big thing, and I went to several auditions, got call backs, and never went.
Could I have become a big hollywood acter?
What happend to the 14 year old Michigan? Did she die? I mean, I had so much things going. Who am I now?
I am minimalistic, rather throw things in the trash, even if it has a sertain memory. I'd rather not own anything, and if I go shopping for clothes, I end up buying clothes for work.
I am so dead on my my job, that I dream about it everyday, and at every party, I always end up serving, bartending or bussing, by my own choice... Did I become boring? Did my dream die, and didn't take me with them? Did I give them up? What is going on?

Did Michigan become boring, or did she just grow up? Now, you tell me...
I just had to get that out...
Jeg gjør det på akkurat samme som deg, jeg aner ikke hvorfor det ikke kommer opp noe jeg!:p.. jeg gjorde alt som vanlig, copy paste embed-code, og så rediger html, og så lime inn... akkurat som vanlig, aner ikke hvorfor det ikke går jeg!
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