Let me tell you something. If YOU where 13 in 1997, are YOU 13 in 2009?
I am not even gonna start to explaine to you why I like them or how they are as people in 2009.
It's to pathetic, and people should know better that that!
Any way, I was to leave early from work today, because of the stupid rain, and I ended up in the smoking room (yes, my hair is allergic to rain), having a cup of coffee with the kitchen manager. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool guy. I don't know what we where talking about, but somehow, I ended up saing something like "I know, I saw my fave band live for the first time, after beeing a fan for 11 years", unto whitch he ask what band. I reply, honest as I am, "Hanson".
Well, you can go ahead and guess now... He replied with laughing really bad at ME... Not at Hanson, but at ME! What is wrong with people?
Hanson grew up, l but I don't think YOU DID! You are probably still 18 today, as you where when "MmmBop" came out! I'll laugh right back in your face!

So, please tell me, what's the deal? What is the problem? Why is it so bad to have Hanson as my favoritt? Please tell me, NOW, because I've got to know! Is it me, or is it Hanson?
Well, tro not to hard to kill eachother,
:The Lake:
Sv: Ja, det er også drittkjedelig!!
Kjenner du Hitrakællen? Er småforelska i han az:)
Og du kan digge hvem du vil:)
Forresten, har nå lagt til deg i innlegget mitt "svar på Spørsmål", og skal legge bloggen din som lenke på bloggen min:) hihi
Det er vel helt ok å ha han som favoritt!@Du er det en grunn til at du skriver på Engelsk?
SV; Åå, a det er såå herlig! Jeg har kost meg masse, og nå tar vi et glass vin til.. Hi hi..
Takk for kommentar!
SV; Aw, ja da er det jo forståelig. Du er jo meget flink da!
Jepp, litt mer vin gjør nok susen!
Kos deg du også..
Hehe, wow så kult:)
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