Well, What can I say? I waited for Smokie for 20 years, and got to have him for 2 months...
Why he was named Smokie II is quite simple... Grampa H. used to have a cat. He was smokey grey, and he was sitting at his front porch one day, during 40 below or so.
Grampa took him in, and Smokie staied with him for almost 10 years.
Smokie managed the cold fine, but was hungry, and very thirtsy. And he had frozen of one of his ears. (Ill find a pic, and post).
Winter 2008, there was this cat hanging 'round the new new (since the new building camre before the new new one... Make sence?) building, and the Dep. Of Highw. guy called this cat Chainsaw... Hahaha! LOL. One day, it had hit 50 below and Grampa G. decited to let him in the
hallway of the hotel, so he could get
warm, and he would get some food. I wasn't there when it happend, coz I was on dish duty for Annie. But, suddenly Gramma H. called me from the door, out to the hall, looking very mad with me.
I am like "oh no! I most of messed up the til last night or so... ". So, I tell Annie, I am wanted in the office, and go out. There, in the office cousin D. is sitting with this really amazing smokey grey cat on her lap. He is sleeping, and look JUST like Grampa H. cat Smokie! Gramma H. starts to laugh, and sais "We know you wanted a cat! And this one here is perfect! It's like Smokie II". I was so happy I could scream!
I sat down on the floor, and cousin D hands me this amazing fluffy warm, purring thing! Aaaaw! I just fell in love right there and then! So, we skip disg duty, off to lloyd to shop for Smokie!
He felt right at home. The first night he slept in my bed with me. And after that he had his own spot in le living room, outside my door. Every morning (I got up at 4 am), and would wake up at the same time, sitting outside waiting for me!
Smokie II is now enjoying life with J&G. I know they love him, and will take good care of him. All my found memories. Going to the vet, the ghost in my house scaring him, and the christmas tree? Smokie II, I love you! I never ment to leave you. I know I promissed NOT to, but I had no choice... I hope to see you soon!
Well, thats all the sentimental crap I've got right now. But stay tuned!
More to come!
:The Lake:
P.S: Be good to eachother!
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