Let me introduce you to one of my biggest (female) musical heroes:
Paula Cole is an American experimental alternative musician.
Many of you have probably heard her major hit "I don't wanna wait". It was featured at the main theme of the hit tv-show "Dawson's Creek" season 2 and out.
I first heard of Paula when I was about 13, little bit before "Dawsons's Creek".
She amazed me! To me, it seamed that Paula just played what she liked, not what others liked. She played piano with her feet, not her hands, and only used the left side of the piano. She was angry, and I was angry! We where best friends from the forst cord!
After many years of dragging along with piano lessons, because dad said I had to go, I finaly managed to quit. Classical traing was nothing for me. I wanted to play like Paula! She did it best!
Of course, years later I have googled Paula, and learned that she has 15 years of classical piano classes, and a master in jazz from one of the best musical institutes in America! LOL...
But, early 2000 Paula was gone. She was nowhere to be found. She released an "Greatest Hits' album in 2003, but that seemed to be it... What a shame! Stupid me, never though of something as easy as http://www.paulacole.com/! DUH! So, today I cheched that out, and learned so much I never knew. Paula had been there all the time. She has, the later years gone back to her jazz-roots.
What sadens me is that at her homepage, theres a thing called "Where have Paula been?", where Paula herself explaines why she whent back.

"During the '90's I had alot of anger, and it resulted in a lot of crazy music. I don't like the angry Paula. As much as it sadens me, I have to say: Paula is dead. I have burried her, and started a new life...". But, I will never let Paula die. She has inspired ME to make my own music, to write my own. And SHE is MY anger managment. If I'm mad, Paula's music always help. She has a song for every angry mood! I know that sounds crazy...
Feel free to check out Paula. It's worth it! Her "new" style aint that bad too!
Basic Paula info:
Birth name
Paula Cole
Born: April 5, 1968 (age 41)
Origin: Rockport, Mass.
Genres: Experimental Alt, Art Pop, Jazz
Genres: Experimental Alt, Art Pop, Jazz
Singer/ Songwriter
Voice span: Mezzo-Soprano
Voice span: Mezzo-Soprano
Instuments: piano, Juno, Juno bass, tube Wurlitzer, harmonium, beat boxing vocals, toy xylophones, didjeridu, clarinet, Rhodes, Rhodes bass, Moog, and low tuned-electric guitar.
Something very special about Paula, is her way to put in a christian message, without it becoming a christian song, if you know what I mean? Some of her songs are obious christian. Like "God is watching" and "Amen" for her 1999 album "Amen"
The best exsample of this is from the song "Rhythm Of Life" from "Amen", where she starts the song of, not quite talking or singing, with the powerful :
"To the critics and the cynics who don't understand the lyrics. To the atheists and the pessimists, wanting company in their darkness, yes. You may see me as a fool, yes, a charlatan, an egotist. But I'd rather be this in your eyes, than a coward in HIS". This is a very good way of telling people that her lyrics go both ways. Eather for Jesus/God, or just whatever you want... In Paula's eyes, she was angry, not with God, but with life, and called for God to help her. And in HIS eyes, she wan't to be what he intended.
So, I chalange you to google up Paula, or youtube her, and give me a call back!
Maby you get a new favoritt!
:The Lake:
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