I am currently without my camera. Gosh, I love that camera. But, I don't have a charger. I've tried every photo store in town, but they say I have to order inn, and it will take about 2 weeks, since the camera I have (which I've had for like a year), just came to Norway...
So out of the blue, I'll put out this nice photo of me! Hahaha! Taken in Denmark may 2001!
Ah, this is a lovely place. One of my fave vacation spots! Gronhoj Strand! Gotta love that!
I kinda like this photo, 'coz it's from a time, where my curls was actualy managable... Can you believe that? Well, enjoy them, 'coz you will never see them again! Not if Paul Mitchel has something to say! Ok, I am off to bed!
Be good to eachother
:The Lake:
Vel, på mange måter går det bra.
Men jeg er nervøs for fremtid og økonomi, og føler meg ofte ensom;-/
Derfor er det godt å ha Kirken, og de få men nære venner jeg har, og ikke minst min lille Pusi!
Hva med deg, kjære?
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