I havn't said anything about my feelings toword Michael Jackson yet. Other than that he died on my birthday, and everybody forgot about that, and was crying for him...
I like Michael Jackson, so, then I have said so.
But, when something happen, in media, we intend to forget everything before that. How many young talented people have died young? The list is actually LONG! Some of my favoritts have left us young. Not forgeting Michael Jackson guys, but I have to introduce you to one amazing talented guy. He might still be remembered, god knows I do, and many Americans, and Scandinavians, (And of course the Eurovision Song Contest/Grand Prix freaks, like me!).
I'll try to get this out, I am missng 3 very important letters on my lap top... Swedish is even harder to write. LOL. Let me introduce you to one of my biggest musical heroes, Ted Gardestad:
Ted Gardestad was born in Sweden in 1958, and he had his first hit in 1972, with "Jag Vil Ha Min Egen Maane". Music by Ted himself, anf lyrics by his brother Kenneth. Together those to was an dynamic duo! Hes amazing backup girls was later in the '70's to become who we all know and love as the two A's of ABBA. Hes first record "Undringar" (Wondering) came in 1972, and was big hit in his native Sweden, and also large parts of Scandinavia!
His biggest Scandinavian realise was the LP just called "Ted", from 1973. Al little bit mature now, as his brother though, the lyrics here revolves around girls, life, and thoughts about the future.
It's also one of my favoritt records of all times. Songs to check out here is "Jag Skal Faanga En Engel" (Where he is determend to find love for life..), and the melancolic "Gitarren Och Jag" (The guitar and me). "Gitarren Och Jag", Kenneth wrote to Ted. "Vi ar filosofer, gitarren och jag"... One the most beautiful quotes I have ever heard. Ted found rest when he was alone with his guitar. And together they would make melodies, that would take you to another place in time...
The 1970 was the decade that would also take Ted to the States for the first time. Here he met the legendary Toto, in Californina. He released his first, and only, english spoken album "Blue Virgil Iles". Coming home in 1978, he had written the master hit "Satelitt", and he sets off to represent Sweden (his first time) in The Eurovision Song
Contest in 1979.

Just a few days before the final that year, Ted was called out, accused of plagarism. Toto's big spring hit "Hold The Line" had hit Europe by storm, and people where whispering that Ted had stolen there guitar lines... It was not looking good...! Luck would have it (and I would have, if I was born back then, know Ted did not steal anything) Toto contacted the ESC with the message "Ted did not steal anything. We stole from HIM!"
The 1980's was a decade that did not go over well for Ted.
He had, in the 1960, and 1970's struggled with depression, and nightmares, he didn't know how to control. Mid '80's he seekes help, and was diagnosed with severe mental illnesses.
Aperently this was a big hit for Ted, and in 1983, just few weeks before his second child was born, he left, without a word, his wife and kids, to become a member of an illigal (now shot down) cult, in the states. Lucky Kenneth was able to save him a few years later, and together they began planning Ted's comeback for the 1990's.
His last realise "Entligen paa veg" (Finaly on my way), was released in 1994. This album is so strong, in bough lyrics and melody. Songs like "Lyckliga dagar" (Happy days), which is about someone sitting in the window, and watching there kids play in the yard. This sounds so nice, but the lyrics carry on, and it's actually sad. The happy days pass fast, whilst the bad days drag out... Ted was still not getting the medical attention he needed....

Ted is rememberd in both America, and Scandinavia as an legend, and has the most coverd hits, by other bands, than any other Scandinavian artist of our time. In his hometown you can find "Ted's Plads" (Ted's square), with an memorial plaque, and a statue. Every year on his birthday fans from all around Scandinavia meet there, and sings his song. This is by the lead of his brother, Kenneth. Ted's wife and kids have been attending the last few years.
Ted is my musical hero. He, probably, whent through much pain, that he didn't know how to control. He found comfort in his music, his guitar. If Ted had planned to end his life in june 1997, we will never know. We do know that he succedeed.... And that he is missed...
Rumors has it that his grave stone is carved with the words "Det var jag som fangat en engel" (It was me, who caught an Angel), by his wife.
"The Lord saw that you needed rest. And called you home, a little earlier..."
R.I.P Ted. You live on through your music.
Du velæ rundt i Florida og hadde utdrikkningslag med Mikke og Donald eller no sånt :)
vakkert:) Grattis på etterskudd!
Nå er du halveis til 50 og det er snart jeg òg.. uæææ!
Ja, jeg følger med i Katolsk Bønnebok seh;) Vi konvertitter er en ivrig rase;)Kul kvinne ja!
Sv: jaja, den kan få dobbelt betydning xD
Ja, kreativitet fører tydeligvis til tidlig død, ser det ut til ;/
Tysk, faktisk^^ GOT IS GUT JA!:=)
Vi får ta det igjen over en øl eller ti, når vi en dag møtes igjen, darling:)
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