
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another day, in the same life....

Argh, I am so so tired today. Somehow I've hurt my neck, and I cant sleep on my left side. Not that the right side is any better... Last time I was in such pain was after taking the "Mission: Space" (The original one not the new one with 2 teams) in Epcot, Disney World, summer of 2004. This is really bad. So after tossing and turning, all night, I almost fell asleep around 6. But then the grabage trucks came, and kept me awake...

I had to go to a veiwing for an apartment at 11, so I was off at 10, and now, I have 2 simple hours to chug down coffee, to get ready for work at 3...
How will I ever stay awake? I am the MASTER on exstreme sports, like staying awake! LOL

Well, the same life? It's my life, and it hasn't always been the same... I've changed alot over the years. I am more calm now, easier going, and all of that crap. People been asking me alot latley, who where YOU 10 years ago?Well, it's hard to say? You live and breath in the same body, so you don't notice as much as people around you. But, I thought, for all of you nice veiwers out there, a nice photo of me about 10 years ago? I am one sexy lady, eh? I am pretty sure this was taken in October 1998 or so. This was my trademark, the t-shirt. I got loads of crap for it... I was spit at, hit, and called names for it. (It says MmmBop on the lower back). I didn't care. I STILL don't care. Mom bought the shirt for me in fall break 1997. I still have it, and it has tiny wholes on the back, and is one of my most priced possetions. It looks very different today. Not because it has been used to much, but because, hold on, wait for it: Hanson has drawn on it! Yes, baby! Yes! I tolled them the very story behind it, why I love it to much, and why it means so much to me. Even though being a Hanson fan (my second time around) is a little different in '09 than '97.
I have only worn the shirt once since it was signed. And, yes, more bashing now then back in the days. Should I care? Nonoh! Hanson 'preciates my passion, and I 'preciate theres!
Well, you guys enjoy that, while I go bust my back out at work... I am pretty sure where only 2 today. So, I'll prob be stuck behind the bar! Come on down if ya want! I'll make you an authentic Canadian Paralizer! Yummy!
Well, take care, and be good to eachother!
Until next time!
"We can conquer this GREAT divide!"
:The Lake:


Trine said...

SV; Neimen så koselig skrevet! Nå ble jeg kjempeglad! Fint at du likte bloggen min.

Jeg har lest litt på din også jeg.. Kjempefin blogg.

Ha en fortsatt fin dag, kjære deg.

prunella said...

Must admit i haven`t listened to a single Hanson-tune since the Mmmbop- days.

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