I'm on a roll here. Just hang on with me, please!
This song is amazing. And playes live, we, the fans, sings the "Ooooooh". Just from the first cord, we start with that! It's amazing!
With all the raing today, right now coming down like a waterfall! AAAAH, we are all probably looking for a Blue Sky!
Written and preformed by I.T.Z. Hanson!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dish Of The Day!
No, I am not talking food, lol...
This is just to beautiful, and I just wanna eat him! Totaly freaked out by him, and if he talks to me, I wanna run away, or jump over the railings (yes, we've been on a cruise ship together). I am talking about the multi talented Zac Hanson.
And if he weren't married, on the 3rd year, I'd cash my check with him, if you know what I mean?
I love this interveiw, because those ladies are too funny, and Zac is just to adorable in his awnsers! Enjoy! Personaly, I like him with a little longer hair, like he has these days, or really short, like he had about a year ago!
Dream away!
This is just to beautiful, and I just wanna eat him! Totaly freaked out by him, and if he talks to me, I wanna run away, or jump over the railings (yes, we've been on a cruise ship together). I am talking about the multi talented Zac Hanson.
And if he weren't married, on the 3rd year, I'd cash my check with him, if you know what I mean?
I love this interveiw, because those ladies are too funny, and Zac is just to adorable in his awnsers! Enjoy! Personaly, I like him with a little longer hair, like he has these days, or really short, like he had about a year ago!
Dream away!
Who Am I?

I wish I had a better picture of me when I was 14, but my lap top don't really have that old photos. Yes, I am old! And latley I have wondered what happend to this person in this photo!
Michigan 2.0? Enjoying a sunrise breakfast (after beeing awake for 35 hours) at Perkins in Orlando, just minutes before morning shift at work new years day 2007...
I mean... I swam for gold in 1994, in 1997 I could read, and write HTML 4.0 (have no idea about HTML today, but I still know the 4.0) like it was a reagular language. I was the only on one my class who had internet and en e-mail account, and I have had a cell phone since 1995.
I was a freak, dressed like one, behaved like one, and got detention like everyday in school.
Computers was the big thing, and I went to several auditions, got call backs, and never went.
Could I have become a big hollywood acter?
What happend to the 14 year old Michigan? Did she die? I mean, I had so much things going. Who am I now?
I am minimalistic, rather throw things in the trash, even if it has a sertain memory. I'd rather not own anything, and if I go shopping for clothes, I end up buying clothes for work.
I am so dead on my my job, that I dream about it everyday, and at every party, I always end up serving, bartending or bussing, by my own choice... Did I become boring? Did my dream die, and didn't take me with them? Did I give them up? What is going on?

Did Michigan become boring, or did she just grow up? Now, you tell me...
I just had to get that out...
Gotta Love That!
Ah, one of my fave bands out there, Take That (Yes, BAND!), has just released a new singele.
But, I have been waiting so long to see the video! For some reason, it was out, but not shown. I've been all over to see it!
Finaly today, I serched youtube and I found a whole playlist, oncluding "Said It All"!
Gary (the first clown you see in the vid), the lead singer from the old days, everyone sings lead now, is just amazing! And I can't help but smile when he talks! Here's a vid from the set of "Said It All". Isn't they all charming? thihi...
But, I have been waiting so long to see the video! For some reason, it was out, but not shown. I've been all over to see it!
Finaly today, I serched youtube and I found a whole playlist, oncluding "Said It All"!
Gary (the first clown you see in the vid), the lead singer from the old days, everyone sings lead now, is just amazing! And I can't help but smile when he talks! Here's a vid from the set of "Said It All". Isn't they all charming? thihi...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I've Got A Secret!

Today has been a wonderfull day, and I am so excited about the furture, even though I don't have a place to live in 3 days... I'll be homeless! But, I'll find a way. All that matters is that I can;t stop smiling! This never happens to ME! ME!ME! Hahaha! Bet youre mad curious! LOL
Sorry 'bout that! I promiss you will all know in not too long! I am so thankfull, and happy!
Are you thankfull for anything?
You have a secret? It's wonderful isn't it?
Until then, take care, and be good to eachother!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Here We Go Again!

Let me introduce you to one of my biggest (female) musical heroes:
Paula Cole is an American experimental alternative musician.
Many of you have probably heard her major hit "I don't wanna wait". It was featured at the main theme of the hit tv-show "Dawson's Creek" season 2 and out.
I first heard of Paula when I was about 13, little bit before "Dawsons's Creek".
She amazed me! To me, it seamed that Paula just played what she liked, not what others liked. She played piano with her feet, not her hands, and only used the left side of the piano. She was angry, and I was angry! We where best friends from the forst cord!
After many years of dragging along with piano lessons, because dad said I had to go, I finaly managed to quit. Classical traing was nothing for me. I wanted to play like Paula! She did it best!
Of course, years later I have googled Paula, and learned that she has 15 years of classical piano classes, and a master in jazz from one of the best musical institutes in America! LOL...
But, early 2000 Paula was gone. She was nowhere to be found. She released an "Greatest Hits' album in 2003, but that seemed to be it... What a shame! Stupid me, never though of something as easy as http://www.paulacole.com/! DUH! So, today I cheched that out, and learned so much I never knew. Paula had been there all the time. She has, the later years gone back to her jazz-roots.
What sadens me is that at her homepage, theres a thing called "Where have Paula been?", where Paula herself explaines why she whent back.

"During the '90's I had alot of anger, and it resulted in a lot of crazy music. I don't like the angry Paula. As much as it sadens me, I have to say: Paula is dead. I have burried her, and started a new life...". But, I will never let Paula die. She has inspired ME to make my own music, to write my own. And SHE is MY anger managment. If I'm mad, Paula's music always help. She has a song for every angry mood! I know that sounds crazy...
Feel free to check out Paula. It's worth it! Her "new" style aint that bad too!
Basic Paula info:
Birth name
Paula Cole
Born: April 5, 1968 (age 41)
Origin: Rockport, Mass.
Genres: Experimental Alt, Art Pop, Jazz
Genres: Experimental Alt, Art Pop, Jazz
Singer/ Songwriter
Voice span: Mezzo-Soprano
Voice span: Mezzo-Soprano
Instuments: piano, Juno, Juno bass, tube Wurlitzer, harmonium, beat boxing vocals, toy xylophones, didjeridu, clarinet, Rhodes, Rhodes bass, Moog, and low tuned-electric guitar.
Something very special about Paula, is her way to put in a christian message, without it becoming a christian song, if you know what I mean? Some of her songs are obious christian. Like "God is watching" and "Amen" for her 1999 album "Amen"
The best exsample of this is from the song "Rhythm Of Life" from "Amen", where she starts the song of, not quite talking or singing, with the powerful :
"To the critics and the cynics who don't understand the lyrics. To the atheists and the pessimists, wanting company in their darkness, yes. You may see me as a fool, yes, a charlatan, an egotist. But I'd rather be this in your eyes, than a coward in HIS". This is a very good way of telling people that her lyrics go both ways. Eather for Jesus/God, or just whatever you want... In Paula's eyes, she was angry, not with God, but with life, and called for God to help her. And in HIS eyes, she wan't to be what he intended.
So, I chalange you to google up Paula, or youtube her, and give me a call back!
Maby you get a new favoritt!
:The Lake:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Raising The Mood!
As to try to raise the mood, from sentimental to party...
Sister Hazel is the best! Check out "One Love" from there 2003 album "Chasing Daylight"!
Sister Hazel is the best! Check out "One Love" from there 2003 album "Chasing Daylight"!
"One Love"
We are just children understand
We're two in a million the precious grains of sand
We slip through the fingers dancing on the wind
We find each other
One you - one me
One chance for us to live
One heart - one soul
One life for us to give
One dream - one mind
One sky up above
One you - one me
One love
One love
A star made a wish on us tonight
Hangin' out in heaven inspired by our light
She knows how it feels to shine on all the world
And last forever
Surrender all your battles
It's only love that makes us matter
We are all the possibilities
As endless as our imagination
No! Not THAT song!?

Why is it that some songs is just to hard to listen to?
Something that reminds you of a better time, or a hard time? A memorie that is to hard to throw out, and never think of it again?
Even after many years, if you hear that song, it's like everything comes back on replay?
Many questions on a line here... Sorry 'bout that. I'm at mom and dads (mom and da not here!). BBQing tonight, and I am home alone, waiting for my sister, out for coffee.
I thought I'd clean some in my old room, and maby pack something to take on home. At the bottom of an old box I found a CD. It didn't say what was on in, so I decited to play it. Maby some old tunes I used to like? Memories are funny!
But, NO! It was just songs I hate! Used to like, but HATE! So, now I am sentimental, and can't wait for the alcohol to get here, and the BBQ to be lit...
Is it just me, or do you have a song like that? Maby a song that will always get you in a good mood, or one that will always make you cry, but you really don't know why?
I can't even remember anymore why that song makes me feel like this... Mmmh...!
:The Lake:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Feelin' Good!
A picture of me feeling GOOD, and in my spirit!! This is at a coocking job, back in summer 2007!
I most be the hotest chef, you've ever seen!
Isn't it strange how a day can change like that? *snapping my fingers*
I got up today, feeling really bad, and what not. But, I am now listening to amazing music by Ted Gardestad, "When the show is over", amazing tune. On my way out to get grocerys. Making myself a Poutine tonight! and tomorrow I am catching a bus to Fredrikstad! And I am staying for MORE than 12 hours. Going back monday morning or sunday night! yes!
I am going to sign permanent papers at work monday, and I will be working everyday, mostly morning shifts, so we have to start monday with the opening training. So my boss called me earlier today, to tell me this, and say I would have the weekend off!
I am so excited! BBQ in Fredrikstad on saturday, and then full training on monday! Yah!
Creativity equals Early Death?

I havn't said anything about my feelings toword Michael Jackson yet. Other than that he died on my birthday, and everybody forgot about that, and was crying for him...
I like Michael Jackson, so, then I have said so.
But, when something happen, in media, we intend to forget everything before that. How many young talented people have died young? The list is actually LONG! Some of my favoritts have left us young. Not forgeting Michael Jackson guys, but I have to introduce you to one amazing talented guy. He might still be remembered, god knows I do, and many Americans, and Scandinavians, (And of course the Eurovision Song Contest/Grand Prix freaks, like me!).
I'll try to get this out, I am missng 3 very important letters on my lap top... Swedish is even harder to write. LOL. Let me introduce you to one of my biggest musical heroes, Ted Gardestad:
Ted Gardestad was born in Sweden in 1958, and he had his first hit in 1972, with "Jag Vil Ha Min Egen Maane". Music by Ted himself, anf lyrics by his brother Kenneth. Together those to was an dynamic duo! Hes amazing backup girls was later in the '70's to become who we all know and love as the two A's of ABBA. Hes first record "Undringar" (Wondering) came in 1972, and was big hit in his native Sweden, and also large parts of Scandinavia!
His biggest Scandinavian realise was the LP just called "Ted", from 1973. Al little bit mature now, as his brother though, the lyrics here revolves around girls, life, and thoughts about the future.
It's also one of my favoritt records of all times. Songs to check out here is "Jag Skal Faanga En Engel" (Where he is determend to find love for life..), and the melancolic "Gitarren Och Jag" (The guitar and me). "Gitarren Och Jag", Kenneth wrote to Ted. "Vi ar filosofer, gitarren och jag"... One the most beautiful quotes I have ever heard. Ted found rest when he was alone with his guitar. And together they would make melodies, that would take you to another place in time...
The 1970 was the decade that would also take Ted to the States for the first time. Here he met the legendary Toto, in Californina. He released his first, and only, english spoken album "Blue Virgil Iles". Coming home in 1978, he had written the master hit "Satelitt", and he sets off to represent Sweden (his first time) in The Eurovision Song
Contest in 1979.

Just a few days before the final that year, Ted was called out, accused of plagarism. Toto's big spring hit "Hold The Line" had hit Europe by storm, and people where whispering that Ted had stolen there guitar lines... It was not looking good...! Luck would have it (and I would have, if I was born back then, know Ted did not steal anything) Toto contacted the ESC with the message "Ted did not steal anything. We stole from HIM!"
The 1980's was a decade that did not go over well for Ted.
He had, in the 1960, and 1970's struggled with depression, and nightmares, he didn't know how to control. Mid '80's he seekes help, and was diagnosed with severe mental illnesses.
Aperently this was a big hit for Ted, and in 1983, just few weeks before his second child was born, he left, without a word, his wife and kids, to become a member of an illigal (now shot down) cult, in the states. Lucky Kenneth was able to save him a few years later, and together they began planning Ted's comeback for the 1990's.
His last realise "Entligen paa veg" (Finaly on my way), was released in 1994. This album is so strong, in bough lyrics and melody. Songs like "Lyckliga dagar" (Happy days), which is about someone sitting in the window, and watching there kids play in the yard. This sounds so nice, but the lyrics carry on, and it's actually sad. The happy days pass fast, whilst the bad days drag out... Ted was still not getting the medical attention he needed....

Ted is rememberd in both America, and Scandinavia as an legend, and has the most coverd hits, by other bands, than any other Scandinavian artist of our time. In his hometown you can find "Ted's Plads" (Ted's square), with an memorial plaque, and a statue. Every year on his birthday fans from all around Scandinavia meet there, and sings his song. This is by the lead of his brother, Kenneth. Ted's wife and kids have been attending the last few years.
Ted is my musical hero. He, probably, whent through much pain, that he didn't know how to control. He found comfort in his music, his guitar. If Ted had planned to end his life in june 1997, we will never know. We do know that he succedeed.... And that he is missed...
Rumors has it that his grave stone is carved with the words "Det var jag som fangat en engel" (It was me, who caught an Angel), by his wife.
"The Lord saw that you needed rest. And called you home, a little earlier..."
R.I.P Ted. You live on through your music.

If you want to be my best friend
Then show it
If you want to live inside me
Don't blow it
I don't want to stand in line
I don't want to waste my time
I just want to be the one
I don't want to be around
When you come down
I just wanted you to know
The roses always grow
If you want to hear I love you
Then say it
If you want to hear I need you
Then prove it
I don't want to stand in line
I don't want to waste my time
I just want to be the one
I don't want to be around
When you come down
I just wanted you to know
The roses always grow
Did you think it would last forever, baby
Did you think I would drag you under
I don't want to be around
When you come down
I just wanted you to know
The roses always
I just want to be with you
Not alone
I just wanted you to know
The roses always grow ...
I Wanna Go!

I tried to read a bit, watch TV, listening to music, but that didn't work.
I got the day off, and tomorrow off, then I am working at saturday at 3. Which means, I will miss the BBQ party in Fredrikstad saturday. It's so typical! I've had the last 2 weeks off (except for yesterday monday, and tuesday), but the day I really wan't off, I can't have. I know I should NOT complaine, because I really like my jobb. But, I don't really feel good today. My neck is still hurting, and I fell asleep around 5 or so this morning... On and off into dreamland, not a good sleep at all... What to do, what to do?
And then theres nothing to do. Everyone is in Fredrikstad, or in Oestfold somewhere, or in Lloyd (Canada), and that's too far away!
Well, I'll find something so blog about, then... That will make the time pass, so I can go back to sleep... There's so much things I wanna do right now!

2. I wanna go see my good friend Tiggr, in Disney World
3. Sit at the Walburg Bar with my friends....
Is that to much to want?
What do you wanna do RIGHT now?
Be good to eachother!
:The Lake:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Randomness... Yes!

I am currently without my camera. Gosh, I love that camera. But, I don't have a charger. I've tried every photo store in town, but they say I have to order inn, and it will take about 2 weeks, since the camera I have (which I've had for like a year), just came to Norway...
So out of the blue, I'll put out this nice photo of me! Hahaha! Taken in Denmark may 2001!
Ah, this is a lovely place. One of my fave vacation spots! Gronhoj Strand! Gotta love that!
I kinda like this photo, 'coz it's from a time, where my curls was actualy managable... Can you believe that? Well, enjoy them, 'coz you will never see them again! Not if Paul Mitchel has something to say! Ok, I am off to bed!
Be good to eachother
:The Lake:
Why is everybody laughing?

Let me tell you something. If YOU where 13 in 1997, are YOU 13 in 2009?
I am not even gonna start to explaine to you why I like them or how they are as people in 2009.
It's to pathetic, and people should know better that that!
Any way, I was to leave early from work today, because of the stupid rain, and I ended up in the smoking room (yes, my hair is allergic to rain), having a cup of coffee with the kitchen manager. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool guy. I don't know what we where talking about, but somehow, I ended up saing something like "I know, I saw my fave band live for the first time, after beeing a fan for 11 years", unto whitch he ask what band. I reply, honest as I am, "Hanson".
Well, you can go ahead and guess now... He replied with laughing really bad at ME... Not at Hanson, but at ME! What is wrong with people?
Hanson grew up, l but I don't think YOU DID! You are probably still 18 today, as you where when "MmmBop" came out! I'll laugh right back in your face!

So, please tell me, what's the deal? What is the problem? Why is it so bad to have Hanson as my favoritt? Please tell me, NOW, because I've got to know! Is it me, or is it Hanson?
Well, tro not to hard to kill eachother,
:The Lake:
Another day, in the same life....
Argh, I am so so tired today. Somehow I've hurt my neck, and I cant sleep on my left side. Not that the right side is any better... Last time I was in such pain was after taking the "Mission: Space" (The original one not the new one with 2 teams) in Epcot, Disney World, summer of 2004. This is really bad. So after tossing and turning, all night, I almost fell asleep around 6. But then the grabage trucks came, and kept me awake...
Well, the same life? It's my life, and it hasn't always been the same... I've changed alot over the years. I am more calm now, easier going, and all of that crap. People been asking me alot latley, who where YOU 10 years ago?Well, it's hard to say? You live and breath in the same body, so you don't notice as much as people around you. But, I thought, for all of you nice veiwers out there, a nice photo of me about 10 years ago? I am one sexy lady, eh? I am pretty sure this was taken in October 1998 or so. This was my trademark, the t-shirt. I got loads of crap for it... I was spit at, hit, and called names for it. (It says MmmBop on the lower back). I didn't care. I STILL don't care. Mom bought the shirt for me in fall break 1997. I still have it, and it has tiny wholes on the back, and is one of my most priced possetions. It looks very different today. Not because it has been used to much, but because, hold on, wait for it: Hanson has drawn on it! Yes, baby! Yes! I tolled them the very story behind it, why I love it to much, and why it means so much to me. Even though being a Hanson fan (my second time around) is a little different in '09 than '97.
I have only worn the shirt once since it was signed. And, yes, more bashing now then back in the days. Should I care? Nonoh! Hanson 'preciates my passion, and I 'preciate theres!
I had to go to a veiwing for an apartment at 11, so I was off at 10, and now, I have 2 simple hours to chug down coffee, to get ready for work at 3... 

How will I ever stay awake? I am the MASTER on exstreme sports, like staying awake! LOL
Well, the same life? It's my life, and it hasn't always been the same... I've changed alot over the years. I am more calm now, easier going, and all of that crap. People been asking me alot latley, who where YOU 10 years ago?Well, it's hard to say? You live and breath in the same body, so you don't notice as much as people around you. But, I thought, for all of you nice veiwers out there, a nice photo of me about 10 years ago? I am one sexy lady, eh? I am pretty sure this was taken in October 1998 or so. This was my trademark, the t-shirt. I got loads of crap for it... I was spit at, hit, and called names for it. (It says MmmBop on the lower back). I didn't care. I STILL don't care. Mom bought the shirt for me in fall break 1997. I still have it, and it has tiny wholes on the back, and is one of my most priced possetions. It looks very different today. Not because it has been used to much, but because, hold on, wait for it: Hanson has drawn on it! Yes, baby! Yes! I tolled them the very story behind it, why I love it to much, and why it means so much to me. Even though being a Hanson fan (my second time around) is a little different in '09 than '97.

Well, you guys enjoy that, while I go bust my back out at work... I am pretty sure where only 2 today. So, I'll prob be stuck behind the bar! Come on down if ya want! I'll make you an authentic Canadian Paralizer! Yummy!
Well, take care, and be good to eachother!
Until next time!
"We can conquer this GREAT divide!"
:The Lake:
"Champagne High"
I know, I know... I am a sucker for music, and writing things... Just one more, then I'll hit the sac!
I wasn't looking for a lifetime with you
And I never thought it would hurt just to hear
"I do" and "I do"And I do a number on myself
And all that I thought to be
And you'll be the one
That just left me undone
By my own, -hesitation
And for the million hours that we were
well I'll smile and remember it all
then I'll turn and go
while your story's completed mine is a long way from done.
Well I'm on a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high
I'd toast to the future but that'd be a lie
On a champagne high, high
Spring turned to summer
But then winter turned to mean
The distance seemed right
At the time it was best - to leave
And to leave behind
What I once thought was fine And so real - to me
And while I'm still gone
On the quest for my song
I'm at your - celebration
Your wagons been hitched to a star
Well now he'll be your thing that's new
Yeah what little I have you can borrow
'Cause I'm old and I'm blue...
Well I'm on a champagne high (so high)
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high (so high)
Toast to the future but that'd be a lie
On a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high... high...
So high so high you left me undone so high,
so high you left me undone....
I wasn't looking for a lifetime with you
And I never thought it would hurt just to hear
"I do" and "I do"And I do a number on myself
And all that I thought to be
And you'll be the one
That just left me undone
By my own, -hesitation
And for the million hours that we were
well I'll smile and remember it all
then I'll turn and go
while your story's completed mine is a long way from done.
Well I'm on a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high
I'd toast to the future but that'd be a lie
On a champagne high, high
Spring turned to summer
But then winter turned to mean
The distance seemed right
At the time it was best - to leave
And to leave behind
What I once thought was fine And so real - to me
And while I'm still gone
On the quest for my song
I'm at your - celebration
Your wagons been hitched to a star
Well now he'll be your thing that's new
Yeah what little I have you can borrow
'Cause I'm old and I'm blue...
Well I'm on a champagne high (so high)
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high (so high)
Toast to the future but that'd be a lie
On a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high... high...
So high so high you left me undone so high,
so high you left me undone....
What for?
What are we blogging for, anyway? So, I read up on to other blogs, so I can see what they are doing, and maby get some intresting fackts on my own.
Idas-syke-verden, is putting out loads of funny lists! So, I have found one that I thought I'd do! hehhe... This one in Norwegian (what, can I read that language??!), so to everyone, sorry 'bout that...
Ok, here we go!
3 skamgode filmer
1. Secret Window
2. Mr. Hollands Opus
3. Max Manus (Da Det Stoerste Spillet er saa gamel....)
3 uforskammet fine skuespillere
1. Johnny Depp
2. Johnny Depp
3. Johnny Depp
3 beste matretter
1. Poutine!!!!
2. Div Pasta...
3. Generell Canadisk pleier aa funke for meg!
3 steder du vil reise
1. Hjem til Canada
2. Danmark
3. Oklahoma, kanksje?
3 ting du ikke klarer deg uten
1. Roek
2. Musikk
3. Alkohol??
3 sanger du hører på om dagen
(Om dagen? Hva med de 3 siste?)
1. Sister Hazel "Take A Bow"
2. Take That "How Did It Come To This?"
3. Paula Cole "Rhythm Of Life"
3 ting du vil gjøre før du dør
1. Be a Home Maker!
2. Skrive bok
3. Faa barn... Ah, ja... Nemlig...
3 ting andre kanskje ikke vet om deg
1. Jeg hater aa dusje....!
2. Var redd jeg hadde alkoholproblemer i vinter... (Men jeg er nok bare saa sinnsyk arbeidsnarkoman, at ting gaar litt over alle heier noen ganger).
3. Jeg har gaatt til AM (Anger Managment), a trenger trolig aa gaa der naa ogsaa, men har mer kontroll paa ting naa enn foer.
3 blogger du leser
Nja, leser jo min egen... Naa ere bare to
1. Prunella
2. Idas Syke Verden
3 ting som irriterer deg
1. Norske reklamer pa TV!
2. Folk som doemmer, uten aa vite. Sabla uforskamma ogsaa!
3. Se og Hoer irriterrer veldig, ogsaa Her og Naa... Leser aldri dette, men.. Bare overskriftene er til aa doe av!
3 ting som gjør deg glad
1. Venner!
2. Musikk
3. Gode minner, som ikke blir for mye paa repeat, om du skjoenner?
3 blogger du utfordre
Vel... Hvis noen foeler seg kallet? Kjenner ingen bloggere, untagen de to jeg allerede har nevnt! Hehhe. Dette var faktisk vanskligere enn jeg trodde! Naa sitter vel folk der aa tror jeg er spika pine gal! Huff... Beklager meg, jeg er ikke det, bare litt smaa rar??
Vel, vel... Behandle hverandre pent!
Idas-syke-verden, is putting out loads of funny lists! So, I have found one that I thought I'd do! hehhe... This one in Norwegian (what, can I read that language??!), so to everyone, sorry 'bout that...
Ok, here we go!
3 skamgode filmer
1. Secret Window
2. Mr. Hollands Opus
3. Max Manus (Da Det Stoerste Spillet er saa gamel....)
3 uforskammet fine skuespillere
1. Johnny Depp
2. Johnny Depp
3. Johnny Depp
3 beste matretter
1. Poutine!!!!
2. Div Pasta...
3. Generell Canadisk pleier aa funke for meg!
3 steder du vil reise
1. Hjem til Canada
2. Danmark
3. Oklahoma, kanksje?
3 ting du ikke klarer deg uten
1. Roek
2. Musikk
3. Alkohol??
3 sanger du hører på om dagen
(Om dagen? Hva med de 3 siste?)
1. Sister Hazel "Take A Bow"
2. Take That "How Did It Come To This?"
3. Paula Cole "Rhythm Of Life"
3 ting du vil gjøre før du dør
1. Be a Home Maker!
2. Skrive bok
3. Faa barn... Ah, ja... Nemlig...
3 ting andre kanskje ikke vet om deg
1. Jeg hater aa dusje....!
2. Var redd jeg hadde alkoholproblemer i vinter... (Men jeg er nok bare saa sinnsyk arbeidsnarkoman, at ting gaar litt over alle heier noen ganger).
3. Jeg har gaatt til AM (Anger Managment), a trenger trolig aa gaa der naa ogsaa, men har mer kontroll paa ting naa enn foer.
3 blogger du leser
Nja, leser jo min egen... Naa ere bare to
1. Prunella
2. Idas Syke Verden
3 ting som irriterer deg
1. Norske reklamer pa TV!
2. Folk som doemmer, uten aa vite. Sabla uforskamma ogsaa!
3. Se og Hoer irriterrer veldig, ogsaa Her og Naa... Leser aldri dette, men.. Bare overskriftene er til aa doe av!
3 ting som gjør deg glad
1. Venner!
2. Musikk
3. Gode minner, som ikke blir for mye paa repeat, om du skjoenner?
3 blogger du utfordre
Vel... Hvis noen foeler seg kallet? Kjenner ingen bloggere, untagen de to jeg allerede har nevnt! Hehhe. Dette var faktisk vanskligere enn jeg trodde! Naa sitter vel folk der aa tror jeg er spika pine gal! Huff... Beklager meg, jeg er ikke det, bare litt smaa rar??
Vel, vel... Behandle hverandre pent!
:The Lake:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"Trouble With Me"
You must think I'm crazy
Think that I'm a fool
I'm hopelessly romantic, whenever I'm with you
To see the world through my eyes
And never look too far
We're meant to be together, it's written in the stars
We're walking the highway
Doing it our way
Nothing's ever really out of reach, oh
Baby, baby I'm not crazy
I just wear my heart on my sleeve
I never think it over or say maybe
Oh and that's the trouble with me
I don't wanna talk it over
I carry the world on my shoulders, yeah
And baby, baby you can save me
I'll always wear my heart on my sleeve
That’s the trouble with me
That’s the trouble with me, yeah
I follow my emotions,
they always call my name
You tell me how you're feeling,
I'm sure I'll feel the same
Of dreamly constellations,
you're always in my heart
The road, it always takes me back to where you are
I'm driving the highway, doing it my way
When I know you're never really out of reach, oh
Baby, baby I'm not crazy
I just wear my heart on my sleeve
I never think it over or say maybe
Oh, and that's the trouble with me
I don't wanna talk it over
I carry the world on my shoulders, yeah
And baby, baby you can save me
I'll always wear my heart on my sleeve
That's the trouble with me
Oh, I never wanna calm down
Oh, I never ever wanna touch the ground again
Never learned my lesson, never wanna change
If loving you will hurt me
Baby, baby I'm not crazy
I just wear my heart on my sleeve
I never think it over or say maybe
Oh, and that's the trouble with me
That’s the trouble with me
That’s the trouble with me, yeah
I don't wanna talk it over
I carry the world on my shoulder, yeah
And baby, baby you can save me
I'll always wear my heart on my sleeve
That's the trouble with me
Trouble with me
Don’t leave....
Think that I'm a fool
I'm hopelessly romantic, whenever I'm with you
To see the world through my eyes
And never look too far
We're meant to be together, it's written in the stars
We're walking the highway
Doing it our way
Nothing's ever really out of reach, oh
Baby, baby I'm not crazy
I just wear my heart on my sleeve
I never think it over or say maybe
Oh and that's the trouble with me
I don't wanna talk it over
I carry the world on my shoulders, yeah
And baby, baby you can save me
I'll always wear my heart on my sleeve
That’s the trouble with me
That’s the trouble with me, yeah
I follow my emotions,
they always call my name
You tell me how you're feeling,
I'm sure I'll feel the same
Of dreamly constellations,
you're always in my heart
The road, it always takes me back to where you are
I'm driving the highway, doing it my way
When I know you're never really out of reach, oh
Baby, baby I'm not crazy
I just wear my heart on my sleeve
I never think it over or say maybe
Oh, and that's the trouble with me
I don't wanna talk it over
I carry the world on my shoulders, yeah
And baby, baby you can save me
I'll always wear my heart on my sleeve
That's the trouble with me
Oh, I never wanna calm down
Oh, I never ever wanna touch the ground again
Never learned my lesson, never wanna change
If loving you will hurt me
Baby, baby I'm not crazy
I just wear my heart on my sleeve
I never think it over or say maybe
Oh, and that's the trouble with me
That’s the trouble with me
That’s the trouble with me, yeah
I don't wanna talk it over
I carry the world on my shoulder, yeah
And baby, baby you can save me
I'll always wear my heart on my sleeve
That's the trouble with me
Trouble with me
Don’t leave....
"Six In The Morning Fool"
I walk along these tired streets,
That I walked the night before,
I cleared my head a thousand times,
While staring at your door,
I tore up your photograph,
And found myself taping it back together again,
Can we start again,
Cause the road is cold,
And the suns to bright,
And the sunglasses on my face,
I cant hide behind,
I cant hide behind,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
My feet are tired of walking,
My words are tired of talking,
Im back in love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Days and nights, nights and days,
What I have to lose,
My only company staring at the evening news,
My friends try to take me out,
To talk me out of me and you getting together again,
And they call themselves friends,
All the lights are out,
And the stars are close,
But the day is coming,
And im the only one that knows,
Im the only one that knows,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
My feet are tired of walking,
My words are tired of talking,
Im back in love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Baby, could you come outside,
We can watch the rest of the sunrise,
Even if you say goodbye,
I know that I have tried,
Ive tried to tell you,
Got to tell you,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
My feet are tired of walking,
My words are tired of talking,
Im back in love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Am a six in the morning fool,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Am a six in the morning fool.
That I walked the night before,
I cleared my head a thousand times,
While staring at your door,
I tore up your photograph,
And found myself taping it back together again,
Can we start again,
Cause the road is cold,
And the suns to bright,
And the sunglasses on my face,
I cant hide behind,
I cant hide behind,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
My feet are tired of walking,
My words are tired of talking,
Im back in love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Days and nights, nights and days,
What I have to lose,
My only company staring at the evening news,
My friends try to take me out,
To talk me out of me and you getting together again,
And they call themselves friends,
All the lights are out,
And the stars are close,
But the day is coming,
And im the only one that knows,
Im the only one that knows,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
My feet are tired of walking,
My words are tired of talking,
Im back in love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Baby, could you come outside,
We can watch the rest of the sunrise,
Even if you say goodbye,
I know that I have tried,
Ive tried to tell you,
Got to tell you,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
My feet are tired of walking,
My words are tired of talking,
Im back in love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Am a six in the morning fool,
This is my wake up calling,
This is my way of falling,
Back into love with you,
Am a six in the morning fool,
Am a six in the morning fool.
"Release" All Ready!!!

There newest is called "Release", and will be coming out in august. I know, I should NOT be complaining, since there last album "Before The Amplifiers" came out December 2008! But, seriously, I can't wait. I havn't heard a song from the new album, it's air tight at the moment, but I will this second pre-order from sisterhazel.com!
I met Sister Hazel for the first time back in 2007. And I can honestly say, they are some cool guys! Then I met them again January 2009, when we whent on a cruise together in the Bahamas! Ken Block, the lead singer, remembered me, and the other guys too! I have 2 signed CD's, and some amazing photos! They rock live!

One thing I have always known is that Hanson and Sister Hazel would rock together! I meantioned that for Ken back in 2007, and he kinda laughted a bit. When meeting him again on the cruise, he had JUST played "Signed, Sealed, delivered" live with Hanson! I refreshed his memorie on this. And he said "Ah, I know! I should of listened to you! What great stuff we've missed out on!" This nice photo here is taken on the cruise. And you have Keith Simmons, and Stephen Kellogg on here too! I just love the photo! But what the heck is up with Taylor (Hanson)? He didn't find a better place to put his bottle for the picture? LOL
That's all for Sister Hazel today! Check them out! You won't regret it!!
Be good to eachother!
:The Lake:
"Another Me"
Diggin' in for another day
Carrying on in my own
But you know me
I live and die nearly every day
Insanity, it's havin' its way with me
These days in the gallows
I'm kneeling at the block
With my neck outstretched
And I should've stayed in the shallows
But you know me, I'm in too deep
And I'm waiting for another me
One that can change the pain of yesterday
Carry me through another day
And I'm waiting for another me
One in between the burn
And the lessons learned'
Cause being me ain't no way to be
I'm talking law down at Murphy's Bar
Unhappy hour on my own last call
Calling me out on my living lie
Looking for luck I can't even buy
Give me one chance at recovering
What was lost
And give me one shot at redemption
At any cost
Repair my way before it breaks me
Don't break me
Hello did you notice me
Can't you see that I'm crumbling down
Tired of the same old same
I'm coming to
I'm coming back around
Carrying on in my own
But you know me
I live and die nearly every day
Insanity, it's havin' its way with me
These days in the gallows
I'm kneeling at the block
With my neck outstretched
And I should've stayed in the shallows
But you know me, I'm in too deep
And I'm waiting for another me
One that can change the pain of yesterday
Carry me through another day
And I'm waiting for another me
One in between the burn
And the lessons learned'
Cause being me ain't no way to be
I'm talking law down at Murphy's Bar
Unhappy hour on my own last call
Calling me out on my living lie
Looking for luck I can't even buy
Give me one chance at recovering
What was lost
And give me one shot at redemption
At any cost
Repair my way before it breaks me
Don't break me
Hello did you notice me
Can't you see that I'm crumbling down
Tired of the same old same
I'm coming to
I'm coming back around
Smokie II...
Well, What can I say? I waited for Smokie for 20 years, and got to have him for 2 months...
Why he was named Smokie II is quite simple... Grampa H. used to have a cat. He was smokey grey, and he was sitting at his front porch one day, during 40 below or so.
Grampa took him in, and Smokie staied with him for almost 10 years.
Smokie managed the cold fine, but was hungry, and very thirtsy. And he had frozen of one of his ears. (Ill find a pic, and post).
Winter 2008, there was this cat hanging 'round the new new (since the new building camre before the new new one... Make sence?) building, and the Dep. Of Highw. guy called this cat Chainsaw... Hahaha! LOL. One day, it had hit 50 below and Grampa G. decited to let him in the
hallway of the hotel, so he could get
warm, and he would get some food. I wasn't there when it happend, coz I was on dish duty for Annie. But, suddenly Gramma H. called me from the door, out to the hall, looking very mad with me.
I am like "oh no! I most of messed up the til last night or so... ". So, I tell Annie, I am wanted in the office, and go out. There, in the office cousin D. is sitting with this really amazing smokey grey cat on her lap. He is sleeping, and look JUST like Grampa H. cat Smokie! Gramma H. starts to laugh, and sais "We know you wanted a cat! And this one here is perfect! It's like Smokie II". I was so happy I could scream!
I sat down on the floor, and cousin D hands me this amazing fluffy warm, purring thing! Aaaaw! I just fell in love right there and then! So, we skip disg duty, off to lloyd to shop for Smokie!
He felt right at home. The first night he slept in my bed with me. And after that he had his own spot in le living room, outside my door. Every morning (I got up at 4 am), and would wake up at the same time, sitting outside waiting for me!
Smokie II is now enjoying life with J&G. I know they love him, and will take good care of him. All my found memories. Going to the vet, the ghost in my house scaring him, and the christmas tree? Smokie II, I love you! I never ment to leave you. I know I promissed NOT to, but I had no choice... I hope to see you soon!
Well, thats all the sentimental crap I've got right now. But stay tuned!
More to come!
:The Lake:
P.S: Be good to eachother!
The Boiler Room 2.0!
Yes, THAT'S right! I have the KEY!
Well, the boiler room story started back in 2007. All by an accident.
I had been asked to be practical leader at a camp for confermed kids. I didn't think of this as somthing to be a hard task. I had done it before, and would do it again. The only problem was that I was living in Florida, and the camp was in Norway... mmmh... "No, problem, I am moving to Norway anyway, and I will land the day before the camp starts!"
It turned out good, and I actualy manage to plan the whole camp via internet, msn, and Facebook (can you believe it?) The day before, also the day of the big landing, I decited to spend the night at Miss Snax, because she is living in Oslo, and we would decent from Oslo.
I hadn't seen Miss Snax in like 2 months, so we had an great time! The next morning, I was awakend by my cell phone. Some girl was calling, and I asked for her name. She said she was stranded at the airport, and it was 6 in the morning, and she had no money, and was going to the camp. I had to go get her! I checked my camper list, but she was not there! I checked the other camp lists, and she was THERE! I was like what da???!
Some of the nice things you may find @ the Boiler room!
Turned out, there where 3 girls at the airport, and there parents had just sendt them off, and given them MY cell phone number. Bastards! There I am, jet lagged, stressed out, having heat flashes, six in the morning, and NO CAR!
Turned out, there where 3 girls at the airport, and there parents had just sendt them off, and given them MY cell phone number. Bastards! There I am, jet lagged, stressed out, having heat flashes, six in the morning, and NO CAR!
So, I call my right hand assistant, and explaine to him I have to go, and he will come out to the airport later. We where to pick up 'bout 5 kids around 1. That meaning, I had to be sitting at the airport for like 5 hours or so. I get there, and it turns out I have to pay there food, drinks, AND the train tix to Oslo... Man... (Did I get the money back? Not yet....)
So, not up to a great start, we're finaly ready to head out to our camp. My headache really bad by now, and my jet lag running wild. And on top of it all: TOOTH ACHE! Yes! Week whent as it always does, and I was getting grumpy and mad. By mid week, 2 friends of mine came out, to hold an seminar on Sex... Yes, sex! LOL (Lets call the guys Mr. P and Mr A).
Mr A was holding the comferance, and Mr P. was his driver. During the seminar I hear some funny noises from the basement. I decide to go down and check, after all I am the practical leader. But, I don't know HOW to work a boiler room, and the guy who owns the place won't pick up his phone! So I inform my sister, the big cheef, and she says that Mr P. is very practical with everything, he will help. So Mr P. comes with us downstairs. As we are walking down to the basement he says "Oh! I have dreamt about this! Going to the boiler room woth two pretty sisters while Mr A is haveing an seminar on Sex upstairs!" We all burst ou laughting! Suddenly the boiler room was just THE place to hide, when we had enough of crazy campers, and what not! We spendt alot of time there after hours that week, taking crazy photos! Hahaha!
"Bjoerg" enjoying an late evning @ Boiler!
Then, in winter of 2008, when it hit 50 below, and we could not smoke inside, and it was to far to the office... What to do? Well, outside in the smoking pit, theres a nice door... Down to a BOILER ROOM! This one a classic boiler room. With open flames and all! My belowed cousin said we outh to sit there and smoke. Its very warm, and it's this old broaken freezer, we could have drinks in there on ice, and BOW BOW, A party! Hahha. So I had to tell her about the boiler room back in Norway, and she goes "If we are NOT, related, some adoption agency did a very good job!" LOL
Unfortuonatly, I don't have pix from the Canadian boiler room. And I do miss it so much now... I can see us sitting there... A CD player, with some good country, and the picknik plaided rag on the freezer... Smoke filling the room... Ah, those WHERE the days! Dang!
So enjoy the photos from the Norwegian Boiler room, located at Jessheim, Norway!
Until later, be good to eachother! Keep ya posted!
The Lake
Monday, July 20, 2009
Canadian's do it better, eh?

I most certanly say so! I feel so stuck here, like I never did.
Yes, I know I always run from the truth, and hardly try to fix it. But, I most say, this time I did do it RIGHT! From the verry beginning, I was welcomed into this tiny town (500 people, can you believe it?). Not much happening, but stil A LOT!
I am so lucky to have an fantastic family, and a cousin, who is like a mother, a sister, and an aunt in one! And this lady was going to be Big Mean Boss! Holy! Working was like one big party (well, no alcohol whilst working, but who said about after work?).
My cousin had an office, and even though smoking is not aloud in common areas in Canada, it did not apply to her office! HAH! This office was so good to have when it hit 50 bellow, and I would spend 20 minutes to get dressed, even to put the trash out... So smoking outside was not an option!
When getting off work late, my cousin would come in (having 5 kids, 4 of them living at home), she needed to be social to. And be working prob 15 hours a day, I need to be social!
I know this is just rambling, and I will come with more excact stories in the future! Just wait for the Boiler room storie! And NO, it's not the first Boiler room, but the Canadian! Hah, I know some of you will understand what I mean here. But, when the time comes, Ill explaine EVRYTHING! I am laughing as I write! Holy! Any who... I think that's all for now... And oh, yes, I will get a better skin the next few days. Promiss!
Be good to eachother!
The Lake
Yes, I know I always run from the truth, and hardly try to fix it. But, I most say, this time I did do it RIGHT! From the verry beginning, I was welcomed into this tiny town (500 people, can you believe it?). Not much happening, but stil A LOT!
I am so lucky to have an fantastic family, and a cousin, who is like a mother, a sister, and an aunt in one! And this lady was going to be Big Mean Boss! Holy! Working was like one big party (well, no alcohol whilst working, but who said about after work?).

When getting off work late, my cousin would come in (having 5 kids, 4 of them living at home), she needed to be social to. And be working prob 15 hours a day, I need to be social!
I know this is just rambling, and I will come with more excact stories in the future! Just wait for the Boiler room storie! And NO, it's not the first Boiler room, but the Canadian! Hah, I know some of you will understand what I mean here. But, when the time comes, Ill explaine EVRYTHING! I am laughing as I write! Holy! Any who... I think that's all for now... And oh, yes, I will get a better skin the next few days. Promiss!
Be good to eachother!
The Lake
Whats going on?!
"Perently something is verry wrong with my blog. I can post, but NO ONE can read it?
Did I do something wrong, or whats up? Trying hard to fix it, so I am posting this to see if it helps, or not..
Annny who...! I will be posting alot in the future, so stay tuned!
Be goos to eachother!
The Lake