Thought's in the night here, folks. I'm a little "homesick". Homesick for Canada, and my little house....!! Aaaaww... This was the perfect house. Just what I have always been dreaming about, and it was almost mine! I lived here for one year, and I was doing down payments every month. It was built in 1919 by a polish woman. Had some owners after that, but the polish lady was still around! She liked me though, so I was never scarecd of her. Her is some photos of the nice place. It is names "Whispering Pines" 'cause of all the pines trees surounding it! Lovely!

Master bedroom, with walk-in closet! Gotta like that! The place has two bedrooms, the other one with a walk-in closet as well, and a back room, a mud-room...

The living room, seen from the back, to the kitchen. All original doors on the house, exept back door, and front door. This photo was taken summer 2008. Later on a re decorated, and used the coffee table as a TV-stand, and got rid of the TV-stand seen in the right of the picture.

The living room seen from the kitchen door. Back door here is not original, but the screen door (which can not be seen) is original though. Leads out to pine trees! A nice place to have a smoke, or just keep the door open on a light summer evening, and listen to the trees!

Kitchen, seen from the front door. Bathroom straight ahead, and pantry to the right. Rather large pantry!

Kitchen, seen from the bathroom. Original interior!

Back yard. Second floor is closed off at the moment. I was working on fixing it up. Theres stairs in the kitchen, hidden in the wall....

Front of house, with front yard. Isn't she a beauty? I totaly love this place... To bad I had to let it go... *Sobs*.
Well, The Lake is off to bed, or the matress... I don't have a bed... Buhu! Gotta work in the morning! Good night!
Sv: Hver sin smak som det heter :P Mhm, som sagt jeg vet at Elton John hadde en stor rolle i guttens liv, men jeg bare snakket om det jeg hadde fått med meg... uttalte meg bare om det jeg visste og det jeg hadde fått høre. Og ja, de er mennesker som oss, til tross for all berømmelse, men det som ofte går oss hus forbi er det faktum at ikke alle er selvopptatte! Noen beholder faktisk bena på jorda, slik som MJ og Elton John, særlig i dette tilfellet ;) Jeg er ikke noe fan av Elton John jeg da, men han er jo en fantastisk artist! Joda, kanskje jeg skulle ta tipsene dine og gjøre litt research?;D Og nei, vi må så absolutt ikke glemme Ryan!
Nice! Og takk for hyggelig kommentar, Lake !:)
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