So, I decited to go down there and ask them to shut up! Instead, I was stuck speechless by a really good looking guy in the TV! LOL It was Take That's first VHS, a concert. Live from Wembeley. And, Robbie Williams was singing "Could It Be Magic".
It was my first meeting with a pop band. A band that was my kind of music, and in my time.
The years followed, with amazing memories. CD's, singles, posters, books and calendars. I had everything TT had out there.
Take That always seemd to me goody two shoes, squeeky clean in a way. I liked it that way. They where like saints, perfect, and amazing. When they split on February 13th 1996, I was not in shock. I new they had always said they would quit at the top. Everybody else around me went mad. I knew Take That would never die, there music would live on. Even though it hurt, I would have to keep the spirit alive.
At the press connferance in february 1996, Take That said they would return in 10 years, if the fans was still there. Of course I whent for this! I was leading the "Keep The Spirit" alive group for Norway, doing whatever I could to hold on until 2006.
Somehow around 2005, I gave up (why?). Something inside me said it was really over. Every band say they would come back, right? They don't wan't to dissapoint there fans?
Little did I know, just a few month later they would start planning there big come back.
In november 2005 they release a documentary called "For The Record", I bought it, and never watched it again! I have bouth CD's they have released after the come back. And in my oppinion, TT finest to date. Then, I lost the documentary. Today, I found it... And I see now why I didn't watch it again...
It's very graphical.. In depth. Of course, they are just human, but my image of them were so much different... And it hurts! And it brings back every tear from 1996...
I am happy they are back, but now I am wiser... I know they will leave me again, and that time for good...

Heres a clip from the start of the documentary, and from the end.
If you are a TT fan, and havn't seen this DVD, I recomend not watching it... It's harsh...
In the second clip here, Robbie was supposed to be with the four others. They met for the first time in 2005, after the split in 1996. With Robbie leaving the band july 1995, after terrable fights, that lasted until 2005, he now apoligize with sending a video.
Do you have a first love in music? Don't matter what type of music, or decade.
Isn't it strange how this love never dies? Or I'm I the only one?
:The Lake:
Åå, Take That, vet du hva, jeg har møtt disse gutta i Oslo..bhihi..
Nei, hva du gjør feil, vet ikke jeg søta.... Det er ikke lett å si hva som slår an, men bloggen din bør bli synelig. Fortett å kommenter rundt omkring hos andre, det er en ting.. Hmm, nei, huff ikke godt å si..
SV; ha ha , jeg vet.. Huff da.. men joda det var jo KUUULT det! Hehe.. Pust godt nå..
Jeg skjønner hva du mener! Den musikken man hadde dilla på da man var liten... den kjærligheten man får til det forsvinner aldri! Plutselig dukker det opp igjen, og da forelsker man seg jo bokstavelig i det! Sånn var det med meg når det gjaldt MJ og..! første musikkvideoene jeg så ever var jo av han :D fra Dangerous og HIStory-albumene :-) Aaww, it's all coming back!
Take That ja!:D Er jo veldig liten enda jeg da, men jeg husker deres storhetstid, haha :D Mange av de sangene som gir gode flashbacks..! (*sukke delightfult og tenke tilbake*)
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