If it rains, I know it will be a slow day at work. The last two has been on and off. But, mosly hard, hard work. I could use a day off... I had thursday, and friday, but thursday was just a hassle, and friday turned out to be a working day. So, I thought I'd blog a bit. Has been a little while. But, blog about what? I don't have anything! Help me out, please!
Give me some inspiration, some thing to write about! Anything you wan't to know? A question you wan't to ask me? Chalange me to something? Anything!
Hopeing to come home from work now, and see lots of inspiration for me!
Looking forward to it. And, yes, still don't have a charger for my camera. So a picture from summer og 2006 here... Mmmh!
:The Lake:
Well, be good to eachother!
Sv: hehe, 1994 ja ;D .. husker ikke mye fra det året, men jeg husker noe, og det er gode minner ;-)
Ja, som sagt, den anbefales, og soundtracket er kjempefint ja !!
-Stephen King for eksenmpel?
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