Who chooses anyway? I mean when an artist/group releases a single?
I wonder sometimes. One of my favorit albums from Take That is "And Party" from 1991. From that album they released many great singles. Of course, the road was pumpy, and they had to choose carefully...
But, what about this song here? I've always loved it! It's amazing! Gary's vocal is outstanding, and the lyrics are amazing! I know, very early '90's... But, I love it!
Why didn't it become a single? Why have they preformed it live only once?
So, how did you like that? Nice, eh?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Difference!
Oh my God! I have just been youtubing, and refreshing some old childhod memories.
Of course, I've been watching some Take That vids, and so on. And now, it strikes me, as a bad dream, how many years have gone by since 1991, and how old they (and me!) have become!
Look at this! Do you see the difference? They still look good, but oh my!
"Promises" from the 1991 album "And Party". The first official single. Actually "Do What You Like" is the very first single and video, but released on Martin-Smith's record label "Dance UK", as an promo.
"The Garden" from the 2009 album "The Circus"
Of course, I've been watching some Take That vids, and so on. And now, it strikes me, as a bad dream, how many years have gone by since 1991, and how old they (and me!) have become!
Look at this! Do you see the difference? They still look good, but oh my!
"Promises" from the 1991 album "And Party". The first official single. Actually "Do What You Like" is the very first single and video, but released on Martin-Smith's record label "Dance UK", as an promo.
"The Garden" from the 2009 album "The Circus"
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Some Inspiration?

If it rains, I know it will be a slow day at work. The last two has been on and off. But, mosly hard, hard work. I could use a day off... I had thursday, and friday, but thursday was just a hassle, and friday turned out to be a working day. So, I thought I'd blog a bit. Has been a little while. But, blog about what? I don't have anything! Help me out, please!
Give me some inspiration, some thing to write about! Anything you wan't to know? A question you wan't to ask me? Chalange me to something? Anything!
Hopeing to come home from work now, and see lots of inspiration for me!
Looking forward to it. And, yes, still don't have a charger for my camera. So a picture from summer og 2006 here... Mmmh!
:The Lake:
Well, be good to eachother!
Monday, August 3, 2009
I've Been Chalanged!
My older sister has chalanged me to do the "Sentrumsloepet 2010" (The Downtown run 2010). Both my dad and my sister are energetic Marathon runners, with my dad beeing a profesional one... So I have alot to live up too! Don't have a cow, now... I know... Let me tell you, I am NOT handicaped, I am physicaly chalanged... Many of you have heard of Hallux Valgus, also called Bunnions. This is a structural deformity of the bones, and varries in forms of pain, and to the shape of the foot. It has three "stages", or types of disorder. Mild, determent, and severe, with sevre beeing the worst one. Unfortuonatly I am severe.
As a child, I had it, I was born with it, but I had no pain. I ran around like any normal kid. In junior high school during Phyd Ed one day, I suddenly got sharp shooting pain in my feet. Of course I was sendt off to the school nurse. I was explained how this worked. Most parts of the year I am in very good shape. But, usaly I have pain killers to make it work out. It's hard to walk, and everyday I have slight pain. Some parts of the year my feet just stops working, and I have cruches or even a wheel chair, causted by over exhaustion of the bone stucture.
This just strikes girls/women, and is verry generetic. Which means, if I have three kids, all of them girls, at least ONE will have this. If she is to have mild or severe, only the future can tell.
Lucky, in the modern days as we live, theres is alot of help for people like me. I have this small support bandade, which I just slip on the foot, around the bunion, supporting the sides, and the big toe, and it hardly showes through the sock, and I can't almost feel it.
Of couse many of you guys think I most me nuts to set out to run the Downtown Run in 2010. But, this is for me. I am in line for an opperation, which will make my feet work normaly, and I will never have pain again, exept if I overstrain anything.
I have gone over this with my doctor, and he sais it's NOT smart to do the run, but I won't damage anything for life. I will prob be in alot of pain after it, but if it's something I wan;t to do, he can;t stop me. And hopefully, not long after that I get my operation!
Heres is a photo of my feet. LOL. I don't have nails on my pinky toes, but in this photo I have fake nails! Arn't they nice? And an x-ray photo from wiki, showing the stuctural of two feet with severe Hallux Valgus. This is what my x-rays look like, more or less!

So, wish me luck, or call me a bone head! Training starts next monday, and I know I won't break a world record, but I'll break a record for me!
As a child, I had it, I was born with it, but I had no pain. I ran around like any normal kid. In junior high school during Phyd Ed one day, I suddenly got sharp shooting pain in my feet. Of course I was sendt off to the school nurse. I was explained how this worked. Most parts of the year I am in very good shape. But, usaly I have pain killers to make it work out. It's hard to walk, and everyday I have slight pain. Some parts of the year my feet just stops working, and I have cruches or even a wheel chair, causted by over exhaustion of the bone stucture.
This just strikes girls/women, and is verry generetic. Which means, if I have three kids, all of them girls, at least ONE will have this. If she is to have mild or severe, only the future can tell.
Lucky, in the modern days as we live, theres is alot of help for people like me. I have this small support bandade, which I just slip on the foot, around the bunion, supporting the sides, and the big toe, and it hardly showes through the sock, and I can't almost feel it.
Of couse many of you guys think I most me nuts to set out to run the Downtown Run in 2010. But, this is for me. I am in line for an opperation, which will make my feet work normaly, and I will never have pain again, exept if I overstrain anything.
I have gone over this with my doctor, and he sais it's NOT smart to do the run, but I won't damage anything for life. I will prob be in alot of pain after it, but if it's something I wan;t to do, he can;t stop me. And hopefully, not long after that I get my operation!
Heres is a photo of my feet. LOL. I don't have nails on my pinky toes, but in this photo I have fake nails! Arn't they nice? And an x-ray photo from wiki, showing the stuctural of two feet with severe Hallux Valgus. This is what my x-rays look like, more or less!

So, wish me luck, or call me a bone head! Training starts next monday, and I know I won't break a world record, but I'll break a record for me!
Whispering Pines!
Thought's in the night here, folks. I'm a little "homesick". Homesick for Canada, and my little house....!! Aaaaww... This was the perfect house. Just what I have always been dreaming about, and it was almost mine! I lived here for one year, and I was doing down payments every month. It was built in 1919 by a polish woman. Had some owners after that, but the polish lady was still around! She liked me though, so I was never scarecd of her. Her is some photos of the nice place. It is names "Whispering Pines" 'cause of all the pines trees surounding it! Lovely!
Master bedroom, with walk-in closet! Gotta like that! The place has two bedrooms, the other one with a walk-in closet as well, and a back room, a mud-room...
The living room, seen from the back, to the kitchen. All original doors on the house, exept back door, and front door. This photo was taken summer 2008. Later on a re decorated, and used the coffee table as a TV-stand, and got rid of the TV-stand seen in the right of the picture.

The living room seen from the kitchen door. Back door here is not original, but the screen door (which can not be seen) is original though. Leads out to pine trees! A nice place to have a smoke, or just keep the door open on a light summer evening, and listen to the trees!

Kitchen, seen from the front door. Bathroom straight ahead, and pantry to the right. Rather large pantry!
Kitchen, seen from the bathroom. Original interior!

Back yard. Second floor is closed off at the moment. I was working on fixing it up. Theres stairs in the kitchen, hidden in the wall....

Front of house, with front yard. Isn't she a beauty? I totaly love this place... To bad I had to let it go... *Sobs*.

The living room seen from the kitchen door. Back door here is not original, but the screen door (which can not be seen) is original though. Leads out to pine trees! A nice place to have a smoke, or just keep the door open on a light summer evening, and listen to the trees!
Kitchen, seen from the front door. Bathroom straight ahead, and pantry to the right. Rather large pantry!
Back yard. Second floor is closed off at the moment. I was working on fixing it up. Theres stairs in the kitchen, hidden in the wall....
Front of house, with front yard. Isn't she a beauty? I totaly love this place... To bad I had to let it go... *Sobs*.
Well, The Lake is off to bed, or the matress... I don't have a bed... Buhu! Gotta work in the morning! Good night!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
It Still Hurts...

So, I decited to go down there and ask them to shut up! Instead, I was stuck speechless by a really good looking guy in the TV! LOL It was Take That's first VHS, a concert. Live from Wembeley. And, Robbie Williams was singing "Could It Be Magic".
It was my first meeting with a pop band. A band that was my kind of music, and in my time.
The years followed, with amazing memories. CD's, singles, posters, books and calendars. I had everything TT had out there.
Take That always seemd to me goody two shoes, squeeky clean in a way. I liked it that way. They where like saints, perfect, and amazing. When they split on February 13th 1996, I was not in shock. I new they had always said they would quit at the top. Everybody else around me went mad. I knew Take That would never die, there music would live on. Even though it hurt, I would have to keep the spirit alive.
At the press connferance in february 1996, Take That said they would return in 10 years, if the fans was still there. Of course I whent for this! I was leading the "Keep The Spirit" alive group for Norway, doing whatever I could to hold on until 2006.
Somehow around 2005, I gave up (why?). Something inside me said it was really over. Every band say they would come back, right? They don't wan't to dissapoint there fans?
Little did I know, just a few month later they would start planning there big come back.
In november 2005 they release a documentary called "For The Record", I bought it, and never watched it again! I have bouth CD's they have released after the come back. And in my oppinion, TT finest to date. Then, I lost the documentary. Today, I found it... And I see now why I didn't watch it again...
It's very graphical.. In depth. Of course, they are just human, but my image of them were so much different... And it hurts! And it brings back every tear from 1996...
I am happy they are back, but now I am wiser... I know they will leave me again, and that time for good...

Heres a clip from the start of the documentary, and from the end.
If you are a TT fan, and havn't seen this DVD, I recomend not watching it... It's harsh...
In the second clip here, Robbie was supposed to be with the four others. They met for the first time in 2005, after the split in 1996. With Robbie leaving the band july 1995, after terrable fights, that lasted until 2005, he now apoligize with sending a video.
Do you have a first love in music? Don't matter what type of music, or decade.
Isn't it strange how this love never dies? Or I'm I the only one?
:The Lake:
A Little Too Much?
As many of you may allready know, I work as an waitress. I love my jobb, and I am serious when I say I don't work for the tips. A smile froma guest, and a thank you goes a long way. I really apreciate that. But, how do you repay good service? What is enough, and when is it too much?
Yesterday, I had a guest who took it over the top, at least for me. I don't mind beeing hugged. But, I don't hug people I don't know. I really don't like beeing huged by total strangers either...
What happend was that I din't have all the fancy machines on me (like an electronic bill-machine, printer, and what not) because there wasn't that much people sitting in the terrase. So, I would go in and print everytime. It's very heavy to carry round all those things on your belt, believe me! But, this one guy, at one of the tables, very close to the main restaurant asked for the bill, and I had a little to do, so I tolled him to wave for the other waitress, who HAD all of these machines. But, curently she was a little bussy too. So, I tolled him if he waited a few secs, I'd go in and print the bill, and get the transaction machine, if he wanted to pay by credit card.
So, I go get this, and I imagine he was in his late 60's, and had a hard time understanding the machine, so I walked him through. Suddenly, he leans over, and hugs me. And since I was standing up, and he sitting down, it was more of an hugging my stomock! I am not one to push people away, but I did not like it. He was all "thank you sweetie, thank you". Then, he get up, and he hugs me again! But, this time more of an "let me put my head on your shoulder" kinda way. And the the crown of the work, he kissed me on my cheek!
I apreciate people liking my service, but isn't this too much? I am just asking?

So, then you have been worned! If you don't know me, do not hug me! Hahha...
That's all for now, more later
Yesterday, I had a guest who took it over the top, at least for me. I don't mind beeing hugged. But, I don't hug people I don't know. I really don't like beeing huged by total strangers either...
What happend was that I din't have all the fancy machines on me (like an electronic bill-machine, printer, and what not) because there wasn't that much people sitting in the terrase. So, I would go in and print everytime. It's very heavy to carry round all those things on your belt, believe me! But, this one guy, at one of the tables, very close to the main restaurant asked for the bill, and I had a little to do, so I tolled him to wave for the other waitress, who HAD all of these machines. But, curently she was a little bussy too. So, I tolled him if he waited a few secs, I'd go in and print the bill, and get the transaction machine, if he wanted to pay by credit card.
So, I go get this, and I imagine he was in his late 60's, and had a hard time understanding the machine, so I walked him through. Suddenly, he leans over, and hugs me. And since I was standing up, and he sitting down, it was more of an hugging my stomock! I am not one to push people away, but I did not like it. He was all "thank you sweetie, thank you". Then, he get up, and he hugs me again! But, this time more of an "let me put my head on your shoulder" kinda way. And the the crown of the work, he kissed me on my cheek!
I apreciate people liking my service, but isn't this too much? I am just asking?

So, then you have been worned! If you don't know me, do not hug me! Hahha...
That's all for now, more later
:The Lake:
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mostly I'm Just Me...

So, I have settled on this one. What you all think? Quite more like me, ha?
Anyways, I would like to tell everyone that mady I would like some more comments, on the actuall posts... Is it interesting? What would you like me to blog about?
Let me tell you right now, no politics or religion, please. I know where I stand, but that's for another place, and page...
Anything you would like my point of veiw of? Any stories? Any of my lyriks? Ask me anything, and I'll awnser, or blog about that! To get a jump start, of course! I would love to hear from you, yeah, YOU!
Had a long day at work today. Really tired. Not slow, a little bussy, but still I am tired. Isn't it strange, how I am more tired after wotk if it was slow rather then bussy?
So, I am heading off to dreamland, and wish all of you a magical sleep, or evening, or morning, depending on where you at!
Until then, be good to eachother!
:The Lake: