After working so hard to get an early shift for New Years Eve (whitch was actually my day off), I finally got it! I got off around 4, was home around5, ate, then rushed downtown Disney.
I met LeeLee as scheduled, and she walked me all the way to the front door (pass the line....!!!)
It was by faar the best concert I have ever been too!!! (Sorry Dane....)
It is not allowed to bring cameras in to House of Blues, so I don't have any pics, but I knew I would get my changse after the show!
The ABSOLUTLY NUTS where amazing! Never met a fan crowd like that before.
After the show LeeLee took me behind House of Blues, and I was exited.
The band looked more exited to meet me, then I was too meet them! hehhe
Some pictures :
To the left is Drew and me afte he signed my "Lift" cd! LeeLee and me waiting for the rest!!

Ken wanted to do many pictures, "It has to be perfect!", and Jett was a funny guy, who greeted me with a swedish phrase. Yes, I did anwser him!
Mark was in a hurry though, as he was driving home the same night. Ryan wondered if I knew Morten Harket and if Norway has any famous guitar players... Not that I can think of, no.... hehhe
So you can imagin I had a blast! I did stay awake the whole night, and then we ended up at Perkins (well, the fans...) for a sunrise breakfast. I went to work breakfast at 6:55, then I had been awake for 26 hours. Lucky for me I was asked tgo traine that day, so I didnt do so much guest interactions. My trainee was fully trained, so I only had to help her with small stuff like transactions, and stuff like that.
After work I met my god parents, an there children for dinner at Outback. (Still awake at this point!!!) Then I whent home and slept... "I didn't know, I was sleeping!!!" hahha!
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