Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Godess 22. January 1984!
My sweetie is turning 23 tomorrow! I feel so bad, because I have only missed 7 of your birthdays! I know that right now you are at Pizzanini in Sarpsbog. And I hope you know that I am thinking about you! I azm comming home to you soon, sweetie! We'll talk face to face about everything that has happend this past year!
Give me the thunbs up, and I'll be all right! I miss you so bad...
"Sheading a tear (To leave you)"
I'm sheading a tear, the thought of leaving you I can't beare.
But you know I have to take this chance.
This friendship means to much,
and my dream is finaly comming true.
I am not ready to leave you,
you know a tear will fall,
when I say goodbye to it all....
"Are you missin' me too?"
I miss you so much, so much,
that I think you will never understand.
You said you where scared this friendship would end.
But let me explaine that is won't.
Friends'll come and friends'll come,
but what we've got roght here, will never end.
It's 2 oclock in the morning, and I'm wondering where you are, and who you're with.
Are you missin' me too?
Not long now, and I'll see you again! Happy happy 23rd! Have a magical time at Pizzanini!
Around The (Disney) World, In One Week!

Mission Space, what a crazy ride! "This is Huston! Go for launch!" Or Go To Lunch, as they ranslate in on Norwegian TV! We did the green team a couple of times. Not that I am not capable of doing the orange one. I did the original one 3 years ago, that's how I got my whiplash!
Some training now, and I'll be landing on Plut in no time!
You can not visit the Magic Kingdom park without saying hello to Winnie The Pooh! We meet Winnie outside his little shop of Fluff and Stuff. I love Winnie, and I am pretty sure he loves me too! Love you Winnie!
I'm a little strange......
I was looking trough some picture just now, when I realised I have a lot of pcture os me drinking something, with a straw! Aparently I like drinking things trough a straw, or people are just amazed by this so they snap pictures when I do it. I don't know, take your pick! This picture right here was taken by Elisabeth at Friendlys during the summer (06). It was a great sunny day, and I needed to have an coffee shake! Now thats just funny, really....
This one is taken at the resturant (yeah, we call it that. Akershus Roayal Banquet Hall!) I am having a frozen drink, The Tromso. It's so great!
This is taken at Elisabeth's 1612 leaving dinner last week (don't remind me...). A little artistic this one. But, still strange...
This one is also from The Garden Grill, at the land. But this is in october, when my sisters came for the fall break. There again, the straw... Well people, you know me, drop me a line. Am I always like this??? Let me know!
Be good to each other!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Ice Cube Game!

Then we desited to do lunch at The Rose and Crown in the UK.
Everybody knows that I am the chmpion at the ice cube game, mut now I have comepetion!! Nina is not quite bad herself!
I had the cottage pie, and iced tea, with lemon tree on the side, of course!!
There is more ictures coming from the Vacation of all times, just hold your breath!
(Not too long, or you'll die... hahha)

True and Nina enjoying themselfs at The Rose and Crown. We got a nice table outside, with a veiw over the lagoon! Oooh, classy;)

The new champion of the Ice Cube game? Nah, I don't think so, she'll never beat me!

At the world gateway. Nice, nice nice! An wonderful exuce to wear my new cardigan from AE! Dale looks kinda cool to, right?
My Super Duper Vacation!!!
Yeah! After 6 mounths wait, Nina fanaly came back to see me for a whole week! I took out 5 vacation days (whitch became ADO's!), and we stayed at the POP Century resort!
On saturday night we ate at Boma African Buffet at Animal Kingdom Lodge. For this we brought Eliz along, and we had a great time
Earkyer that that we had aloso layed by the pol, and I got some nice tan!
On tuesday we rented a car and Picked up Jannicke and Bjornar for some shopping at Florida Mall. I bought a new cell phone, and later we had ice cream at cold stone creamery! This picture we took there. Could could mix your own ice crea, or have it side by side, withh all kinds of topic!
Bitter Sweet....
The time is almost there for Elisabeth to go back home... And I can really not see it yet. It does feel like it was yesterday we hang out by the pool, and we desited that she would move into my room in 1612...
So sunday january 6th we had dinner at The garden Grill... Sad.. But we had a really good time.
This is also the last week of her beeing in sevice, and on sunday she will go on time card. Wednesday she will go to Hawaii, and wehen she comes home, we (Trude, Elisabeth and me) will stay at Saratoga Springs for 3 nights...
I can't wait, and at the same time, I never want the day to come... Better sweet.. Blah! We tolled you all along Elisabeth, don't go home!!!
See all later...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
New Years Eve!!!!!

The Crazy Life In 1612!

God Parents Visit!

Tiny new years eve, my god parents Anne and Tore, who lives in Boston came to visit. They also brought there 2 children along, Irmelin and Kristian.
I met them at Animal Kingdom Park at 8am, and we spent the early hours walking around. Kristian and me went on Expedition Everest several times, and then we had lunch. Around 1pm we took the bus over to EPCOT, and I showed them around "my job". At 3:45 I had to work though.
We desited I would serve them later that evening, something that went horrobly wrong.. But I did get to serve desert.
All in all it was a great meeting, and I can't wait to go see them in Boston soon!