Today me and Elizabeth went sopping at WalMart, and sent off some last christmas letters and pakages. We spent soo much money!! We bought new wine glasses, and lots of food for tomorrow! Little christmas eve today, and it feels strange that mom decorated the tree yesterday, probably just with dad... And I do miss them so much. Now Elisabeth had put out all the candy, and tomorrow we will go and lye by the pool at Saratoga Springs.
When we came home from WalMart (we needed grocery assistants from security), the whole apartment smelled funny... Elisabeth fried fish earlyer. I look around and ask Elizabeth if she could feel it. "Yeah, I do, and the salmon!" Hahha...
Well, I wish all of you a merry merry Christmas! Or: GOD JUL! GOD JUL! I miss you all so much, but we'll be together soon!
The picture was taken 2days ago at the norwegian christmas party.
All the best;)
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