As many people know, the big big day for celebrating christmas in Norway, is christmas eve. And we continue celebrating everyday until new years eve.
We had a lovely celebration in the apartment on christmas eve. We started the day out with rice poridge, and after that Elisabeth and me went to Sraatoga Springs to lye by the pool. The we called our familys from the pool side. They where all done with dinner, and had started opening pakages! My aunt picked up the phone, and she informed me that they have called my name for a presant, but I havent awsnered. The 3rd time I had to awser, or they will grab a new one! hahha.
Then we went home, and got all ready for dinner. Trude and Jannicke came over around 7, and we ate dinner. Then we had rice cream, and looked in our stockings!
At 11:15 Eliz, me and this italian girl walked over to church. It was so full when we arrived! We managed to get a seat. It was so beautifull, and they had a special chior for the occation!
I felt all christmassy, got homesick, but really amazing! I just really missed out closing hymn from back home "Deilig er Jorden". After mass we went home, and drank champaigne!
All in all an amazing christmas eve, and christmas has just started!
Keep you posted;)