Monday, February 19, 2007
My Week From Hell!
This has truly been a week from hell! But, as my mom always tought me, "Let it go, and you'll be fine"... If only!
I worked dinner monday, tuesday, and wednesday. It was ok, though I had this little murry head ache. That will pass I though, I am just tense and a little stressed. When I came home from work wednesday it was so bad, I just wish I could die!
The bad thing was that I was to work breakfast on thursday. I do like working breakfast (Not all 5 seatings), but I like getting up early. Kinda fels like I get more out of my day... So this sharp shooting pain starts on the right side of my head. Terrable terrable! I go to bed, thinking I can sleep the pain away (with the magic of Advil). I wake up at 3... Sharp, stining pain, like needles though my head...
I am so nauseas, that I could of thrown up! (All though I didn't...). I get outside, and have a sigarette... Pain bad, pain bad! My eyes hurt.. and I just wish I could die. Get me to thinking, "You have a brain tumor, and should see the doctor!" I awnser myself "NO, you don't, it's just stress headache!" But I couldn't shake the thought...
I go back to bed, try to sleep, so I can get up and go to work. A little later (to me), Eliz comes and wake me up... It's 7 am! And it's work calling. Aperently my manager was worried about me. Since I like never call inn, or don't show up without calling. I ensure the man on the phone, that I am sick sick sick! like almost can't move sick, hang up, and call inn...
The pain lasted all day, and also all friday... When I realise "You have a migraine attack, you idiot!" That's why the advil don't work! hahaha!
I do take 2 advil PM, and slept on the couch, whitch hellped alot. I sleep the whole night trough, and woke up 9am on saturday.
The pain was gone, but my head was beaten. I went to Starbucks for a coffee, just to feel some fresh air. Hellped a lot.
Later Eliz and me, when to Pointe Orlando. I bought some nice kitchen books. Coffee, drinks and so on. We had dinner at Johnny Rockets!
Nice! Today I had a nice conversation with Snax on msn, and get this! I most of slept bad last night, 'coz I have terrable back ache! So, then the phone rings, and it's my sister! Then the pain was so bad, I had to lay down, and then I dropped the receaver... My sister keeps yelling though! So, my hell week (great 21 episode BTW!) is comming to an end. I work breakfast tomorrow. And I do love the fact that I can start an sentence with "I work... (!). Thanx Snax, for helping me though today, with all your helpfull tips!
Then again, like my mom says "Let it go, and you'll be fine!" is really true. I should not trick myself into believing that I am dying...
It was "just" (as if!) a Migraine atack... (It had been years since the last one...). I will be fine! I am doing fine!
So to all of you: I miss tou and I love you! Coming home to you all soon;)
The lake
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Flash Back Week!
This has been a strange week. A couple of days ago, I seached the internet for some pictures of my old Junior High Shcool. That hell whole has been closed for about 6 years. I located some photos, witch I showed my roomates. Thay imitietly thought it was a prision! Hah!
The photos was taken resently by an amateur photo dude in my hometown. (That's why I won't publish them...). It looked so abandend! Broken windows, and boarded up doors. And it somehow hot me. Even thopugh I hated that sement block for 3 whole long lasting years, there is a lot of happy memories inside those walls! We would always run away from the teachers during resess, coz we where not suppose to be inside. Why? It's like 20 below 0 celsious! What was we suppose to do?
All the crazy stories out math teachers usally tolles us... The sience teacher who loved raw meat. And out music teacher who always used the power cable from the head over as an microphone!
Crazy crazy crazy....
As for... Yuuri and me whent to Down Town Disney on sunday for a little shopping. Yuuri wanted to go to "Once upon a toy" to get some Disney cd's... And there it hit me again! The flash back!
When I was in pre-school I used to collect and play with "My little pony". They actually had My Little Ponys there! All kinds!
After that, while we where waiting for the bus home, we went to the lego store. And now it's official, I am taking Yuuri to legoland when she comes to Norway!
Thats all for my sentimental crap for now... Read more later!
The Lake
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
The Virtual Trip To Starbucks!

Today, after watching Scrubs on "Play All" (I just bought all four sesons on DVD), I desited to go to the mall for a cup of coffee... Well, that ended up as an Frapp!
I had been talking with The Sanx on MSN earlyer, and she desited to come along!
(As faar being she's in Norway...)
She was with me all the way from my apartment to the mall. We had an Vanilla Cafe Frapp, and Esspresso Brownie! Amazing!
Later, we oredered chineese food, and watched Scrubs, and had Reeses snack bars for dessert!
So how's that for a lovely day, Snax?
I had been talking with The Sanx on MSN earlyer, and she desited to come along!
(As faar being she's in Norway...)
She was with me all the way from my apartment to the mall. We had an Vanilla Cafe Frapp, and Esspresso Brownie! Amazing!
Later, we oredered chineese food, and watched Scrubs, and had Reeses snack bars for dessert!
So how's that for a lovely day, Snax?